Report Dubai’s Role in Facilitating Corruption and Global Illicit Financial Flows C4ADS contributed to a Carnegie Endowment report on the Dubai's role in global corruption, crime and illicit financial flows.
Event US Sanctions in Venezuela: Using AIS and Network Analysis to Visualize Impact Join Project Geospatial on May 28, 2020 for a webinar on identifying and analyzing ships' behavior in and near the Venezuelan Exclusive...
Commentary Senderos Venenosos En Perú, el uso de mercurio en la minería ilegal de oro ha envenenado a decenas de miles de personas y ha...
Report Open Arms Open Arms identifies 14 public indicators that regulators, investigators, and due diligence officers can use to evaluate the risk of exposure to...
Report Strings Attached An investigation into the methods used by IUU networks both at-sea and onshore to exploit a systemic lack of transparency and weak...
Report Lux & Loaded Investigating connections between North Korea's illicit commercial operations and global luxury goods supply chains.
Report Illicit Influence: Part Two This case study goes beyond well-known instances of coercive Russian hydrocarbon diplomacy to examine how energy dominance is paired with deceptive corporate...
Report Above Us Only Stars Investigating the ability to mimic, or “spoof,” legitimate GNSS signals in order to manipulate PNT data.
White Paper Constructive Disruption Successful competition in the “gray zone,” or globally networked conflict economy, requires effective use of Publicly Available Information (PAI).