Aaron Hoitink

Aaron is a trained ethicist and analytic philosopher with years of data and administrative support experience in a nonprofit setting. He holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Maryland, where his doctoral research was focused on global justice and human rights. Through the Committee on Politics, Philosophy, and Public Policy, he was able pursue a highly interdisciplinary course of study, including coursework in law, economic development, and global governance. While pursuing his degrees, Aaron personally designed and taught two courses—“Law, Morality, and War” and “Individual Liberty and Social Justice”—and served as teaching assistant for many courses on racism and social inequality, global justice, ethical theory, and philosophy of law. He received his MA in philosophy from Tufts University, where he primarily studied theories of knowledge, logic, and philosophy of science, and his BA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he focused on metaethics and moral epistemology.
Prior to joining C4ADS, Aaron worked in program operations for a legal aid nonprofit, where he was in charge of data collection and analysis, quality assurance, and continuous improvement. Before that, he worked in document management and conflict checking for a large global consulting firm.
A longtime DC resident and Wisconsin native, Aaron has also lived in Minneapolis, Charlotte, Boston, Paris (France), Hsinchu County (Taiwan), and Nanjing (China).