Event Breaking the Bank: Building Policies to Support Justice & Accountability in Sudan On July 13, 2022, C4ADS will host a virtual panel discussion and presentation on our newly published report mapping the Sudanese deep...
Report Shifting Gears Examining how the Xinjiang Pairing Assistance Program incentivizes Chinese companies to move manufacturing operations into the region.
Report Breaking the Bank In October 2021, a Sudanese state-affiliated cartel staged a coup against the civilian-led transitional government. Now, they use their control of Sudan’s...
Commentary Spoiled Fruit C4ADS analysis shows that the food conglomerates that feed millions continue to enable forced labor through their indiscriminate import of tainted palm...
Issue Brief Everybody’s Business In this brief, we map the contours of the Chinese agricultural and industrial sectors and identify nine goods produced in disproportionately high...
Multimedia The C4ADS Dubai Property Database (2022) In 2022, C4ADS partnered with a coalition of journalists and scholars in 19 countries across the world to enable their independent investigations...
Event Wildlife Seizure Dashboard Launch On April 12, 2022, C4ADS will host a webinar to launch the C4ADS Wildlife Seizure Dashboard, our new interactive tool for advanced...
News C4ADS Launches Free Tool to Track Wildlife Seizures Worldwide Introducing: The C4ADS Wildlife Seizure Dashboard, a free tool to help you navigate over 10 years of wildlife seizure data across 100+...
Report Net Worth How the Chinese government & U.S. stock investors are funding the illegal activities of a major Chinese fishery company, Pingtan Marine Enterprise...